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Lakson Technology has a an expert team handling robotic process automation (RPA) coupled with artificial intelligence, machine learning & cloud computing. We are able to seamlessly integrate a virtual workforce that is fully capable of managing all operations handled by humans. This includes following process, decision-making and execution of tasks.


Robotic process automation solutions have applications far & wide in several industry verticals, use cases & processes

Industries such as Financial, public sector, retail,, healthcare, utilities, insurance, telecom

Processes such as payroll, finance & accounting, operations, customer service, IT , HR

Use cases such as Front office, digital transformation, back office, IT support

With RPA one can augment, replace or digitize manual processes

Error-free, quick completion and follows schedule stringently

Can be made to work more frequently, for longer hours since it is automated

Non-disruptive in terms of integration, without disturbing underlying system structure


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses software to emulate human interaction with applications and systems, typically using a standard user interface (UI). The Virtual Workforce uses RPA to provide frictionless automation of business processes, with the use of the existing UI ensuring both non-disruptive implementation, and the ability to automate across any electronic interaction or application without modification to the underlying systems. Thoughtonomy’s proprietary workforce management technology ensures that Virtual Workers deliver maximum productivity, operating as a flexible and infinitely scalable pool of digital labor.


While a good deal of human work is initiated by structured inputs from business systems, a large amount is not – driven instead by human interaction in the form of spoken conversation, email or messaging. The Virtual Workforce supports the automation of these use cases by deploying an integrated web-portal to structure human/virtual worker communications, email and SMS gateways to manage inbound and outbound communications via these mediums, and OCR/ICR capability to extract data from documents and scanned forms. This ensures the platform has the ability to automate Front Office (customer facing) as well as Back Office (operational) processes.


The use of machine learning allows the Virtual Workforce to learn without being explicitly programmed. Virtual Workers have the ability to learn directly from interactions with human workers in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness, as well as heuristic learning (using historical data and trends to adapt an action or activity) and the use of evaluation and experimentation to define the best route to a successful or timely outcome. This learning can be transferred directly into operational processes, or passed through independent governance and approval before being committed to production.


Lakson Technology Virtual Workers exploit Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of Cognitive Data Processing (CDP) for the simulation of human intellect through learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using that information), reasoning (using the rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions), and self-correction (identifying that a course of action is proving or likely to prove unsuccessful and modifying that course). These technologies extend the ability of Virtual Workers to deliver automation and digitization of processes across both fully structured, rules-based activities, into semi-structured and un-structured interactions where the information being provided may be unclear and/or contained in natural language interaction.


Lakson Technology comprehensive management console provides a window into the management of the Virtual Workforce. From this web-based tool, users can build, test and deploy automations; manage and orchestrate the Virtual Workforce – or set parameters for the platform to self-manage; can review process execution and success and workforce utilisation via real-time or downloadable reports; and can access the Lakson Technology Object Library – reusable shared automation components which speed up the build of new automations and create collaboration and community among Lakson Technology clients.